Downtown Master Plans release open house

Dekker/Perich/Sabatini (DPS) and the Community Development Dept. hosted an informational meeting to present the draft Downtown Master Plans for both Los Alamos and White Rock on May 6th, 2021. Informed by the numerous public meetings to date, these plans contain a vision, goals and recommendations for each Downtown area. DPS presented each Downtown vision and provided an overview of the major recommendations for each area, including proposed changes within the Phase 2 Development Code Update. After the presentation, participants were then asked to provide feedback on the recommendations.

The meeting presentation that summarizes the recommendations of the plan is found below for review. Public feedback on the plan will be taken until Monday, May 24th after which the team will revise the plans to incorporate feedback as applicable, 

View the meeting Master Plan Draft Release presentation:

Downtown Master Plans Presentation 

Draft Los Alamos Downtown Master Plan PDF: Click here.

Draft White Rock Town Center Master Plan PDF: Click here.

View the video of the Master Plan Draft Release Public Meeting on YouTube: Click here.